Tuesday, 7 October 2008

The 'Elementary' Weekend!

It was another of those weekends when I had nothing better to do other than washing, cleaning the house and cooking, but it all changed in an instant when I saw in the paper that this was going to be the last day of the summer! On the spur of the moment we decided to goto London.

We first decided to visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street and it is a must visit for any avid reader of Sherlock Holmes stories.

The 'Shelock Holmes' I know :) outside the 221B Baker Street...

The house is maintained in exactly the same way as in the Victorian times. As I entered 221 Baker Street I felt as if I have entered a bygone era but also with it a feeling like Mr Holmes has just gone out and I should wait for him in one of his couches! It was really a pleasure to see the famous study overlooking the Baker Street and his personal belongings like magnifying glass, pipe, deerstalker, et al in the well maintaned house.

After walking out of the pages of Arthur Conan Doyle we visited Regent Park, which is one of the Royal Parks of London.

This is a stunning 166 hectares with mind-blowing rose gardens containing different varieties of roses, Queen Mary's Gardens, Italian Gardens, English Gardens, a lake with boating area, one can also see Herons and waterfowls. It also has a open air theatre. Also in the western section of the park stands the official residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.Outside the inner circle is London Business School.

One can reach the park through Baker Loo line and its walking distance from the Sherlock Holmes Museum.

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